(This is an archival of my now page.)

Updated: 23rd May 2023

Last week I started learning to swim. Just today I finished “Godel’s Proof” by Nagel and Newman. It was a wonderful book. However, such a short book did not go deeper in the topic. I am glad though, as my understanding of logic is not that good. I also started reading “The Seasoned Schemer”, and “Designing Data Intensive Applications”. I am planning to take DDIA slowly and target to finish it in 6 months.

  • In progress:
    • Crafting Interpreters (at chapter 29 now). Looks like will be done by next update of this page. However, I plan to reread it for the virtual machine part, while implementing it in Rust at the same time.

However I did not make any progress on following things. I don’t think I will resume them in upcoming couple of months.

  • Special Relativity
  • Spark

Updated: 3rd April 2023 Finally, I have finished the Programming for High Performance course. I’d started is about a year back. But had stopped when WFO started, and I had to shift back to Bangalore. But, finally finished it. Great course.

Apart from that, I am continuing reading following things.

  • Crafting Interpreters (at chapter 24 right now) (looking at Github, I had started reading the book around October 2022).
  • Special Relativity (Susskind)

Started new

  • Godel’s Proof, by Ernest and Nagel.
  • Spark

Updated: 6th March 2023

This week, I finished up reading The Little Schemer. The book started out easy. But, the second-to-last chapter made me aware of the applicative order Y Combinator. It also showed halting problem with a different lens. The book pointed to other interesting books at the end.

  • Godel’s proof
  • to mock the mockingbird

I think I’ll read Godel’s proof before I start the seasoned schemer.

Apart from that, I am also following a great course on Programming for High Performance computing. I am currently at the third week. I’ll try to complete the course hopefully this month.

I am also focusing more on Special Relativity (Susskind’s course and book) this month relative to other months, as I am at home (Patan), where I get more time. Though, I am home for few days only, so pace will slow down after a week or so.